Taurus 2018 Horoscope
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Wish you all a very happy new year. Hope New Year brings hope and prosperity to all.

2018 is big year for a Taurus. Jupiter is coming in marriage chart after long time. I am happy for you. Marriage and relationships will be easy. You will have close bonds. Strengthen interpersonal skills. Build repo with peers, competitors, business partners, and marriage partner. If single, many new proposals will come for marriage. Don’t let your fixation side to come in-between. Go with flow. In January, from Jan 1 to Jan25, Mars will be in marriage and business area. Exam is there. Leave no weakness.

Another big movement in your key house is Uranus. Uranus rules unexpected changes. It will come in Taurus on May 15. Use this transit by adopting technology for your benefit. Social media, eccentric changes, gadgets, and eccentric outlook will help you in long run. Uranus is slow moving planet. It will help people born near April 22-26 in 2018.

Another key houses have true node and south nodes. Changes are in full swing in these two areas. Action is there. True node will move to Cancer on November 6. True node and south nodes bring intense moon cycles in form of eclipses. Home and career will get cyclic touch of intense changes.

2018 have five eclipses. First eclipse is on January 31. Lunar eclipse at domestic chart. Home will be full of activity. This moon will be powerful and between Taurus and Libra no other planet. Culmination will have emotions and fixation. Domestic changes are much due. Ensure security at home. Take care of mother’s health.

After fifteen days, solar eclipse of February 15 is in Aquarius. Career matter will come to new twist. Boost your career on this lovely new moon. Working on valentine day may be compulsion but it is necessary for long term stability in 2018. Try harder, Taurus, your turn is coming to boost social reputation.

March will provide breathing time. Love, friend and child will be key. They will help you to connect with heart. We always like this situation where we have to use less brain and more heart.

In February and Half March, Mars will be in partner’s income house. Consolidate your assets and reduce your liabilities.

April has Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. At the same time Jupiter and Pluto are in sync. You have amazing time to boost your long distance travel, publication, exam, result, education, in-laws, or teachers. It is a time to broaden your intellectual horizon. Go out for travel. Plan to move out of shell. Don’t sit at home when sky is so beautifully aligned. Mercury will be in retrograde, so be careful of information you are getting. If you are dealing with foreign place, people, or language, this is ideal time to build better platform.

On April 17 and 22, two big stars (Saturn and Pluto) will go in retrograde, so travel matters will slow down. Be kind to in-laws.

May is your birthday. On May 16, Mars will move to Aquarius. Career matters will get prominent after May 16.

On May 25/Aug 19, Jupiter and Neptune will trine. It is big supportive news from marriage and friends, it will be best for marriage and relation. Note down two more date for relationships - 15-Jan/14 Apr. Pluto will be too good with luck (Jupiter).

July and August are eclipse months. Three eclipses will fall, One after another. On July 12, we have a solar eclipse in Cancer sign. It is your short distance travel chart. Next six months focus will shift to sibling, contract, and travel. Develop new skill in next six months. It is very positive solar eclipse. Having nice vibes from Jupiter and Neptune.

On July 27, we have lunar eclipse at social status and career. It is key house. This eclipse is making T square with Mars and Uranus. Unexpected changes may hit your career. Any weakness will exposed. It is result time. Your career has been on shaky ground for time being. This eclipse is impulsive and transformative.

On August 11, we have solar eclipse in Leo sign. It is in domestic life. New security amd safety concepts will emerge. This is tough eclipse. Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto are tough to this solar eclipse. If you were born near May 11, this eclipse is close. Take care of your comfort zone. The definition of comfort zone will shake up near these eclipses in middle of 2018. These are big dates and I will write more in monthly horoscopes.

On August 27 , Mars will go direct. On September 6, Saturn will direct. This will be push time for many.

Mars will be in Capricorn and Aquarius for eight months (17 March to 15 November). It is long time for it. IT will keep action in travel and career. Travel related to career will keep you occupied. You may be visiting places and learning foreign languages.

True node will enter in Cancer starting November 6. Domestic life’s transition will complete. On November 8, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius to help your partner’s income chart. Mars will enter in Pisces on November 15, you may go in sideways to fix social needs.. So in summary, November 6 to November 15 , such transition will help in change in focus. If life is unbearable in some area, it may be welcome change in end of 2018.

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