Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

Wish you all a very happy new year. Hope New Year brings hope and prosperity to all.

Wind of changes has passed. Last 18 months, you had continuous changes in your outlook or marriage. Eclipse drives forced changes. In the end only, you come to know, how much you gained or how much you lost. Now time has come to have control on your life. You should be back on driving seat to give direction to your life.

Jupiter has come to supportive Sagittarius. It will be year to build many more new relationships. Explore more social arena or gatherings. You will get life changing inputs.

2019 is more about mental peace or job. Pressure will come on mind or consciousness to free self from a big constraint. You know it now. But it will get amplify in 2019.

2018 Review

Aquarius is born intelligence. You are most creative sign of zodiac. However, in 2018, you were more bounded in your mind. It as a big constraint. You have to use efforts, knowledge or opportunity to break this barrier.

Changes happening in marriage or self would slow down. You have new state of marriage and outlook. Just came out of few tests. Build on leftover. In 2019, you have more control. Resolve issues with marriage partner, if any. Aquarius is a fixed sign. It is hard to relaise for them their own feelings and give them words.

Focus of 2018 was mental peace, constraints, thoughts, or rest. Maximise intelligence by directing your focus. Focus is our asset. Don't get addicted on something which has no value. Come out of the addiction. Break habits and redirect your thoughts in right direction. 2019 will amplify this journey.

2019 Summary

Outlook, self-perception or marriage: Our confidence is asset. We internalise our energy or people drives our mind. This is key point and Aquarius have struggled in 2018 a lot. Not just events, people were running your life. This is much peaceful place in 2019. Only active period is July 1 to August 18 when Mars will come in this area. One last lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019 is in Leo. So these are key dates to boost your marriage matters, if you were born near January 20. Or work or health matters, if you were born near February 20. If single , January 21 lunar eclipse will provide one more opportunity.

Eclipses are not driving it through force. You can take proactive decisions to manage relationships or self.

Money, Finance, or assets or liability: Neptune is about financial freedom now. People born between February 7 and February 12 will be touched and played with by this transit. Protect your money from impulsive decisions. Money is there but not reachable. Don't overspend on friends or social welfare. January 13, June 16 or September 21 are key dates when earned income will come under pressure.

Money can come in big way and go out in big way. You may not control much near the dates i suggested, but it will be easy to manage on other dates.

Sibling, Travel, gyan, or skills: Uranus is passing through last phase of Aries till March 6, 2019. Aquarius borned near February 20, will see some changes in sibling or contract life. Uranus and North node square will make you free from a painful sibling or contract situation. A time consuming efforts will be gone now. You will be free from legal boundaries.

Starting January 1 to February 14, Mars will also move in third house. Both Uranus and Mars in sibling or contract life area means freedom in some sense. Aquarius will be find relief from time related transactional work. It will be good time to go on short distance travel. Frequent holidays are possible.

Mars will move from October 4 to November 19 in long distance travel chart. It will be time to go away from current location to gain knowledge to for work commitment.

Home, domestic affair, career or mother: After March 6, Uranus will be doing transformation of this house of domestic affair. Uranus in this house means new home with some eccentric touch. This property will not follow social norm. Home may be away from current location or you may find some something different about the home. Use technology to modernise the place.

Mars will enter in this house from February 14 to March 31. Both Mars and Uranus will help in breaking you in new territory to redefine home.

Love, creativity, child or friends: Aquarius are the luckiest this year in 2019 for social matters. Finding friends would be easy. January 13, June 16 or September 21 are key dates when Jupiter will square with Neptune. Near these dates, you may feel pressure of friendship and money.

Mars will be there starting March 31 to May 15. It will amplify this region for love life. Child will become focus for days. Explore love interest around you.

Job, health, or thoughts: This is main focus area of 2019. With eclipses, Saturn, and Pluto, this is most active area of this year. As i describe earlier, it is time to build strong health foundation. Consciousness is key for our development. It is upto you to break bad habits and find some productive habits. Stay away from addiction of games, TV series, mobile, or technology. Take care of mental health. Anything running in your mind and not known to many other is a key to 2019. You can be good in creating idea but execution is key here.

Issue is already there , just amplification will happen. So you know the issue clearly.

Both Saturn and Pluto will oppose North node. And it is more ruthless kind of world will evolve. Hope humanity too gets place in this new world.

Mars will also join this place in May 15 to July 1. People born with February 1 to February 15 will be tested more than other birthdays.

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