Aquarius 2018 Horoscope

Wish you all a very happy new year. Hope New Year brings hope and prosperity to all.

Aquarius have eclipses in key houses. It will continue in 2018. Marriage and self will be two extreme. Check if you are not giving too much to sustain a marriage. Peers may be too demanding. A business partner or peer will be under continuous focus. Aquarius is an independent sign. You don’t like too much possessiveness.

Saturn is coming in your psychological house for two and half years. Capricorn has full house by hosting Saturn, Pluto (passion) and Mars (action) in 2018. This is the year you may see some delays. It will be good time to lay low and plan big. Spend more time in writing book, or exploring your hobbies. It is life time opportunities for sharpening your skills. If you are living away from your society. Learn to live away. Resisting may not help.

Take single goal in life and just go ruthlessly in 2018. You will surly win. Just be strict to discipline, values and longer benefit of people. Saturn loves it.

Jupiter is in Scorpio now. Additionally, in January 2018, from Jan 1 to Jan25, Mars will also be in same house. Career matters will meet desired outcomes. It is best time to test your social reputation skills. You may be standing in cheers all around. Influential people will clap for you. Boss will be extra kind. Try to find new high paying job. You will sure get it.

Now let’s discuss another big transition. Uranus will move in Taurus on May 15. It is domestic life. If you were born near January 22, this transition will be in domestic chart. If you were born near February 20, this transit will test your sibling life. Domestic place of living will be of different type. May be different from others.

Neptune is in earned income chart in 2018. It will continue your hunger for better earnings. Financial management may be issue. Use better investment opportunities. Neptune is happy with Jupiter and Pluto in 2018. On May 25/Aug 19, Jupiter and Neptune will trine. On 15-Jan/14 Apr, Pluto will be too good with luck (Jupiter). Above four dates are there to support your earned income career. Efforts will be rightly rewarded.

2018 have five eclipses. First eclipse is on January 31. Lunar eclipse is at LEO. This is best time to boost your marriage and relations. Open a business, if already married. If single, expect a marriage opportunity to come up. Peers will be key. Change competitiveness to corporation. Together you can achieve big .. will be mantra near this eclipse.

After fifteen days, solar eclipse of February 15 is in Aquarius. It is time to re-innovate self-outlook and perception. You will come out as winner in this universal set up. Universe is supporting you in big way. Career has Jupiter and own house has solar eclipse. Universe wants to see you rising at any cost. Try hard. Don’t leave this opportunity unattended.

March will provide breathing time. It is time to connect you to money. Attend financial decisions.

April has Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. At the same time Jupiter and Pluto are in sync. Perception will be key. You may be having too many things going on in mind. Many thoughts may go in mind. Treat it well. Heal self. Mercury will be in retrograde, so be careful of information you are getting. On April 17 and 22, two big stars (Saturn and Pluto) will go in retrograde. These two dates are important in this journey. Think clearly and simple.

July and August are eclipse months. Three eclipses will fall, One after another. On July 12, we have a solar eclipse in Cancer sign. This is work and health chart. It will give you opportunity to change job. If you are unhappy, this will give you opportunity to get a new job. Health matters may also come up for few Aquarius.

On July 27, we have lunar eclipse at own perception house. This eclipse is making T square with Mars and Uranus. Domestic matters will be key. You may find living place is too erratic or need adjustment of some kind. Unexpected issue may come. Lunar eclipse means culmination. A matter will close.

On August 11, we have solar eclipse in Leo sign. It is tough eclipse. It may be toughest time of 2018. Jupiter (luck in career), Neptune (vision in earned income) and Pluto (change in mental peace) are tough to this solar eclipse. If you were born near February 11, this eclipse is close. Marriage will get hit. Enemies will be many. Peers may turn foe. Both July 27 and August 11 eclipses are tough. Keep life simple near these dates. Both Leo and Aquarius are fixed sign , so keep things simple and flexible. Listen other party too. Correct yourself.

On August 27, Mars will go direct. On September 6, Saturn will direct. This will be push time for mental peace and rest.

November 6 to November 15 will be time phase of transition. True node, Jupiter, and Mars will change houses. Such transition will help in change in focus. If life is unbearable in some area, it may be welcome change in end of 2018.

In summary, 2018 is good for social status. Marriage and self will come in January-February and July- August. Tough time patch between July 15 to August 15 with marriage partner, business partner, compotators or enemies etc . Outlook must be passion and change. Spend more time in planning. Work behind the scene for better tomorrow.

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