Aries  Taurus  Gemini
 Cancer  Leo  Virgo
 Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius
 Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces
Row indicates DOB – date of your birth, date at which you were born. Column indicates months in year 2011. Darker red shade indicates full-moon/eclipses or culmination point. These points are milestone which decides which area will get culmination. Culminations are emotional point and indicates fulfillment in some area of life. It may be a dream, a home, a career, a life, a love, or a degree. Darkest house indicates the lunar eclipse.

Grey color cells indicate initiation points. We take many new initiatives in life. These grey areas are all about it. Darkest area represents solar eclipses. These are rational points in time when we can kick off our new initiatives like moving to new home, opening new shop, joining new job, getting new outlook, meeting new people, or moving to new city.

Number written inside that indicates the house. Let’s say DOB is 15, June section is red and 11 number is written there. In June, eleventh house of friends and society will get culmination for people born near 15th of particular sign.

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